Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Little update for January 07

Too many things have been happening and I was not able to capture all in details. So I did a summary to note down the interesting events :

5 Jan 2007
New clothes for 妹妹
I bought new clothes for Meimei again. I liked dresses.

7 Jan 2007

Kai fell
Kaikai hit his head on table edge, so near to his eye. According to Mum, he stepped on some toys and fell head onto the table. This was really scary and it has left a very deep mark on his forehead next to his eyebrow.

8 Jan 07
Gynae, Dr Kee told us, baby’s (妹妹’s) head has turned downward.

10 Jan 07

Kai's progress
At 17 month, when we asked Kaikai where is baby (Baby was Kaikai’s nickname), he would point to himself, and jumped around happily.

11 Jan 07
Papa bought Car-seat for Kaikai and Playpen for 妹妹.

21 Jan 07

To The Zoo
Papa has gotten free tickets to Zoo, so we brought Kaikai to Zoo this particular day. It was a short two hours trip but Kaikai was terribly tired, he slept in the stroller.

He could only recognize a few animals which he was familiar with.

22 Jan 07
Mei mei has not yet engaged yet. Dr Kee said the delivery date could be earlier.

30 Jan 07

Kai's progress
Kaikai loved flipping books. We started to introduce books to him in Nov 06 when he is 15 months. Now when we asked him where is lion, elephant, car etc, he could point them to us correctly.