Series of picture showing how the two little ones played together. Kai liked to demonstrate that he is older than xuan, he would say 哥哥拿,给哥哥,妹妹听etc etcSome milestones for the little one:
At 9 month Xuanxuan
- waved her little hand and said “bye bye”
- Knew what was“hi-5”. When we said “hi-5” she would raise her little hands to touch yours
- clapped her hands
- waved her arm when she enjoyed songs
- could Waves goodbye
- able to blow kisses and repeat act if praised
- could sit on her own independently
- still not crawling yet (she a bit “lazy to crawl leh)
- could stand while holding onto supports (eg table, chair, little kitchen)
- like to socialize, smiled when she saw familiar and wanted to go out of the house “badly”. She would follow anyone, even strangers.
- no longer afraid of strangers, she would not cry when she was being carried by “strangers”
- jumping and bouncing” happily when she was happy and excited
- still have only two little teeth, the two upper teeth were still hidden.
- love cereal and porridge more than milk.
- know how to “snatch” things and “fight” with 哥哥.- etc etc many thing which mommy could not list all down
At 27 month Kaikai
- could walk, run super proficiently and fast.
- could climb, crawl, hops and anything that involved physical strength very well
- could do somersault.
- jumped independently (both legs leave the floor on his own) and proud of his achievement
- he knew the meaning of “proud” and would show his “proud & happy” look when we praised him even though he wanted to hide it.
- could hold pencil well and do colouring (scribbling)
- able to said A-Z (80%), 1-14 (90%)
- recognised most of the fruits, vegetables, farm and wild animals
- can sing simple song, (50%) eg ABC song, Oh where has my little dog gone, the wheel on the bus etc.
- recognized some colours, some shape
- loved pictures flashcards, he has three favorable sets and he was able to read and recognized 90% of them.
- spoke with simple sentences of 4 to 5 words. Talk lots at home, learned well and liked to imitate people.
- still very shy when he met strangers. Need 10-20mins of warming up time when expose him to a new environment
- has good memory, just need to bring him to a place once and he can vividly remembered the direction. Just introduced memory games to him and he like it.
- able to follow simple instruction and get “work” done.
- very mature (for his age) and sensitive (he could sense adult mood and his environment pretty well and stubborn (probably he still could not fully understand what adult wants)
- Knows words for urine and bowel movements e.g. “wee-wee” or “poo-poo”
- Etc etc …….