Happy Happy Birthday to Kaikai
Papa & Mommy celebrated our dear angel's ZeKai's first birthday on the 9 July 2006 instead of the actual day 2 August 2006 as Papa have to serve the national for three weeks in Thailand.
We catered a lunch buffet for our guests. On top of that, to thank all guests who made a special trip to our house, Papa & Mommy went all the way out to sought for door gift. Finally, Papa & Mommy decided on getting Chocolate from THE COCOA TREES for all our guests. This gift was suitable for yound and older kids and it was cutely wrapped up with cartoon figure.

Following was a pic of Baby Kai's birthday cake. Mommy insisted birthday : 1. to have the number "1" as this was Kaikai's very first birthday 2. to look like kiddy cake with cute picture 3. must be personalised. Mommy didn't want an ordinary round/square shape cake. We were happy to have this and be involved in the design of this cake.
Birthday Cake for baby Zekai-Mommy's choice. Its a big "1"
Our Family photo *snap* *snap*
Cake-cutting session *snap*
With this happy occassion, a photo of all babies should not be missed.
Mommy so happy that all her friends came to celebrate Baby Zekai's birthday
Importantly, most of our invited guests turned up for the celebration and showered Kaikai with good wishes. Our house was very packed. We were very busy, yet happy (mommy and daddy were more happy then Kaikai) that this day has went through so well.