Saturday, September 29, 2007

Kai join the National Library family

Today, Kaikai received his library card.
Back in March 2007, Papa has started to bring Kaikai to Library. At that time mommy was observing her confinement. From April 07 onward, mommy would bring Kaikai to library almost once a week. Mommy want to introduce books to Kaikai & Xuanxuan hoping they would love and enjoy reading. Since 20 Sep 07, mommy has started to build a mini library for the two little sweetie at home. Mommy did not want to force Kai or Xuan to read, just hope they would love reading and it would form part of their daily life. Reading was very important as that was where one could receive lots of information and lnowledge.

These are two pic taken in May 07 when Kaikai was still very 乖。

Initially, he would 乖乖sit on the floor, took out books, flipped through them and left them on the floor. Mommy has to put all books one by one back into the book shelve. After a few weeks, he would “walk” around library with books in his hand (as if he was reading them). Now, he would run around the library and shouting “ where is mommy” “where is meimei” “where is papa” “ Oh where Oh where”… we have to quickly stop him and ask him to lower his voice and threaten to leave library. So he quieted down, yet this last for less than 10mins and he would start touring library.

So far, librarians did not say anything but constantly keep a smiling face when they saw us. Probably we restricted Kaikai to Children corner or talk aloud corner ,when he increased his volume, we as parent did our part to stop him.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Kaikai's masterpiece of Art

Kaikai loves to draw. He could sit on his workbench 画画 for more than 30mins. He can draw on any paper, big or small, any colour. BUT there is a condition, he need a companion to appreciate his art work.

Tonight, Papa has sat next to Kai while Kaikai started to draw his masterpiece. This is the first piece of “proper” drawing on a “proper A4 white paper” using the washable markers.

Mommy thot this was interesting so capture this down. BTW, the little "man" on the right is drawn by papa.

Whats Ur name and how old are you?

When Kai was 25 month old (2 Sep 07) we asked him, whats your name? He would say "Ze Kai". After that, he was not as co-operative. Depending on his mood and the way we asked him, he would give you different answer.

So today, we ask him, "how old are you?", he happily say "two". Wow, surprise... ...

To confirm he really know what he means, mommy and 婆婆 tested him and yes, its confirm, he knows what it means, just that at time he is cheeky dun want to give you a proper answer. Occassion mommy would pretend and use his animal friends to ask him questions, he will answer properly... ... this explains why "
pretend play" is so important to a tiny child.
Yesterday mommy gotten another playdoh set for Kaikai and Xuanxuan. Bought a set of washable markers as well. Papa brought Kaikai to Burger King and Kaikai learnt the word “Burger King”. When he saw “Burger King” he said Burger King, when he saw KFC, MacDanold, he also said “Burger King”.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Mid-Autumn celebration (II)

八月十五, today is the actual day for the mid-autumn festival. Thanks to mum who got a ticket for us to join the cc celebration which was organized at the opening space directly below my mum’s block.

Mum got us a ticket last year too, but Kaikai was too young to appreciate it. On top of that, the event was not well-organised.

This year it was different, the event organizer has done a good job. The place was much well decorated with lanterns made by children (for lantern making competition), more toddlers, more crowded and games. As usual, we would receive a set of gift comprised of paper lantern. In fact, I prefer paper lantern as it look more oriented and nicer.

Above: How Kaikai enjoy carrying paper lantern and swing the paper left and right. 公公has to help him to get the candle in place.

This year, Kaikai saw other children carried paper lanterns, he also wanted that. He thrown his plastic, musical demoren lantern to us and wanted paper lantern. So papa lighted one for him. 公公 came to join us. Kaikai was a happy kids and walking around pointing at different lantern and comparing them (similar or different).

Xuanxuan was very co-operative and well-behave. She watched people moving around with bright eye and laugh whenever we called her. She was such a deary

While n’joying ourself, we did not realize that Our MP, Dr Ong Chit Chong was standing right behind us. He touched Kakai’s head and wanna carried him, but Kaikai was too shy. We took a pic with him.


When he saw Xuanxuan was such a cutie, he clapped his hand and she lean forward… and so Dr Ong carried Xuanxuan. Surprise!! Xuanxuan did not even make a single noise. Xuanxuan would upset when stranger carried her but not this time. Look like Xuanxuan like Dr Ong as well.


Family photo with Dr Ong before we proceed hom. The children were not tired but the parents were super tire... ....


Friday, September 21, 2007

Mid-Autumn celebration (I)

Tonight there was a mid-autumn festival celebration in my company. I have “booked” Papa’s time two weeks ago asked him to be home earlier since activities started at 7pm. We managed to feed both children, clean them up by 7.30pm and reached my company at 8pm.
There were a lots of activities, games such as 猜灯谜,歌唱表演,赏月,品尝going on. Interestingly there were people dressed up as fairy tales figures walking around the whole compound.
Kaikai was attracted by the rabbit “玉兔“and keep looking for it (he kept saying 找找 rabbit). Initially Kaikai refused to walk on his own but in order to find rabbit quickly, he decided to carry his lantern and walk on his own to find “rabbit”. We could not find rabbit, but we managed to take a photo with 仙女 and 福如寿. When Kaikai saw a few big drums on the floor, happily he hit on it loudly.

璇璇 was very interested in these two fairy tales figures, she kept looking at them. Whereas 凯凯 didn't seen to fancy them much. 仙女wanted to carry Kaikai, but he refused her offer.
After staying for slightly more than an hour, we decided to go home as the whole garden was getting more crowded and children were tire. Afterall, we would have another outing next Tuesday, 八月十五。

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Little tikes - Adjust 'n Draw Table

On the night, Papa bought “little tikes - Adjust 'n Draw Table” for the two kids. Papa believe a proper " workstation" is necessary for the little ones as it would affect their body postures and eyesight.

It was a versatile multi-purpose table that was ideal for eating, games, crafts, writing and drawing. With 3 height adjustments we were able to adjust it to suit Kaikai (and xuanxuan’s height). It could also be converted easily to an easel for art projects -- just tilt the table up and lock it into position. Two handy clips hold paper for drawing or painting. Able to seat 2 - 4 children. Here is a picture of Kaikai setting up the table with Papa.
This table was very handy. It not only became their study, drawing table, it acted as their meal table, play table, table to "host" their little relatives. Kai kept asking his "friends" to 坐坐when they visited him.

Lanterns, Science centre

Mommy bought 2 lanterns for two lovely kids. With the whole array of lanterns, I asked Kaikai to choose himself and he chose one that has a star shape, blue colour and with Doreamon picture on it. This year he was able to appreciate lantern better compare to last year.

As for xuanxuan, I got her a pink hello kitty lantern. Next year , I would let her choose herself. Initially, I thought no need to buy for her as she was too young, but when I switched on the light and music of lantern, she was so excited and wanna snatched it and “put it in her mouth”.

That evening, around 5pm, Papa decided to go Science Centre. When we reached there, we saw the signage indicating that it would close at 6pm. We left only one hour to tour.

Kaikai run all over the place and pressed every single button he could and observe the effect. He was very curious. That was a very good sign, he explored as much as he could.

Here are pictures of how Kaikai ran
all over science ctr while papa has
to chase after him.

Our little gal was very quiet thoughout the whole trip. She prefer to stay closed to mommy & Papa. Maybe the dark atmosphere is not something she fancy now. But in no time, mommy believe this little gal would be as happy as her little brother.

By the time, 6pm, Papa and mommy were so tire chasing Kaikai. Yet this little boy has unlimited energy and wanted to play outside where there was a pond and some interesting Scientific instruments for him to explore. We have to literally carry him out of the Science centre as he wanted to stay there long. We promised to bring him there again when we have time since it was so near our place.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Random updates of Xuan's development

26 Jun 07
At 4 month, Xuanxuan started her first flip.

1 Jul 07
At 4 month 1 wk old, Xuanxuan blew bubbles. And she n'joyed doing it and smile sweetly when we said 脏脏。
24 July 07
At 5 month, Xuanxuan could flip a few times.

3 Aug 07
At 5.5 nonth, Xuanxuan achieved three flips continuously.
She loved watching DVD…. Wow, she would stare at the TV set without even blink her eye.

21 Aug 07
Xuanxuan started on porride.

28 August 2007
At 6 month:
Mommy caught some of the interesting expressions on 小璇璇when her favour songs were played. Looked at how our little "GIRL" sit. One leg was raised so high while her left hand tapped on the chair.

-She loved watching DVD with children singing nursery rhythms. (BTW, she only loved one DVD and when we switched on to others she would turn away). She liked the same songs as Kaikai, such as "my toes, my knees, my shoulders, my head", " I have a little nut tree", " I have two hands", " The wheels on the bus". So when those songs were played, she would giggles and start jumping/hopping. Her concentration time span is longer than Kaikai.

- She started to "exercise" her palm as well. She would open and close her palm as and when we talk to her.

29 August 2007
Xuanxuan getting more naughty. She refused to drink milk and push the milk bottle away. Luckily she liked cereal.

Whenever we opened the door, she would be jumping up and down and if we did not bring her out, she would start to turn her month into an Up-Side-Down U and started to make noise.

7 Sep 07
Two little teeths
At 6.5 month, this day we find two little teeths in Xuanxuan’s gum. This explained why she didn’t have good appetite recently.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Adventure Park

Kaikai too small with this new found toy and wanna Papa to help

After napping, Papa suggested to go for a walk since he didn’t have to work. So we proceed to the Adventure Park located outside Chinese Garden.

Initially we thought it was similar to a playground unfortunately it was far from that. This was more for kids over 10 years old. Kaikai ran around and wanna climbed the robe and “monkey bar” but he was too short and have to get Papa’s help. Inspite of that, he ran around the park happily.

Xuanxuan sat there quietly enjoying the environment. So demure...hahhaha

Xuanxuan sat on the pram quietly enjoying the scenery. She too was very happy when she saw so many people moving around, jogging, chit-chating. While standing outside Chinese Garden we could see lots of lighted lanterns of many cartoon figures, the bridge was decorated with array of lighted blue dolphins. Probably we should find some time to visit this garden.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Happy Birthday to Mommy is my birthday. Hahaha... getting older, but pleased to have two little ones plus Meng celebrating with me. This was my fourth birthday after marriage. Every birthday, I liked to do some reflections, all I asked of myself is to be better than the year before and keep on improving.
Now I have two little darlings celebrating with me ... four years ago I would never able to imagine this.

How I celebrated my birthday after marriage:
1 1st birthday – We (Meng and myself) went Bintan for two days stay.
2 2nd birthday – With Kaikai, we celebrating his first month as well.
3 3rd birthday – With Meng, Kaikai and Xuanxuan (in my stomach and ate whatever good food I ate)

celebrating in Swensens and Meng bought me a cake.
4 4th birthday – Celebrating with Meng, Kaikai and Xuanxuan (now outside stomach). Have a simple meal
at Fish and Co and Meng bought me a cake from breadtalk.

This time round, Kaikai knew this birthday candle blowing and cake cutting business very well (He remembered how he did that during his birthday). Before papa finished lighting candles, he started to bend down and wanted to cut cake. I have to hold him tight otherwise his forefinger would go straight into the cake. After birthday song, Meng and Kaikai blew the candles with me, Kaikai wanted to cut the cake, so we cut cake together and he was absolutely happy. Xuanxuan too young, she was attracted by all lighted candles.
Finally, Kaikai has his share of cake and was delighted to participate in this little event.