Mum got us a ticket last year too, but Kaikai was too young to appreciate it. On top of that, the event was not well-organised.
This year it was different, the event organizer has done a good job. The place was much well decorated with lanterns made by children (for lantern making competition), more toddlers, more crowded and games. As usual, we would receive a set of gift comprised of paper lantern. In fact, I prefer paper lantern as it look more oriented and nicer.
Above: How Kaikai enjoy carrying paper lantern and swing the paper left and right. 公公has to help him to get the candle in place.
Xuanxuan was very co-operative and well-behave. She watched people moving around with bright eye and laugh whenever we called her. She was such a deary
While n’joying ourself, we did not realize that Our MP, Dr Ong Chit Chong was standing right behind us. He touched Kakai’s head and wanna carried him, but Kaikai was too shy. We took a pic with him.
When he saw Xuanxuan was such a cutie, he clapped his hand and she lean forward… and so Dr Ong carried Xuanxuan. Surprise!! Xuanxuan did not even make a single noise. Xuanxuan would upset when stranger carried her but not this time. Look like Xuanxuan like Dr Ong as well.
Family photo with Dr Ong before we proceed hom. The children were not tired but the parents were super tire... ....