Saturday, September 29, 2007

Kai join the National Library family

Today, Kaikai received his library card.
Back in March 2007, Papa has started to bring Kaikai to Library. At that time mommy was observing her confinement. From April 07 onward, mommy would bring Kaikai to library almost once a week. Mommy want to introduce books to Kaikai & Xuanxuan hoping they would love and enjoy reading. Since 20 Sep 07, mommy has started to build a mini library for the two little sweetie at home. Mommy did not want to force Kai or Xuan to read, just hope they would love reading and it would form part of their daily life. Reading was very important as that was where one could receive lots of information and lnowledge.

These are two pic taken in May 07 when Kaikai was still very 乖。

Initially, he would 乖乖sit on the floor, took out books, flipped through them and left them on the floor. Mommy has to put all books one by one back into the book shelve. After a few weeks, he would “walk” around library with books in his hand (as if he was reading them). Now, he would run around the library and shouting “ where is mommy” “where is meimei” “where is papa” “ Oh where Oh where”… we have to quickly stop him and ask him to lower his voice and threaten to leave library. So he quieted down, yet this last for less than 10mins and he would start touring library.

So far, librarians did not say anything but constantly keep a smiling face when they saw us. Probably we restricted Kaikai to Children corner or talk aloud corner ,when he increased his volume, we as parent did our part to stop him.

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