Monday, October 1, 2007

Bits N pieces

Kaikai spoke to me in Hokkien (厅,这个,那个,箱子). This day, Kaikai was cranky, 耍脾气。He wanted something but we did not understand what he wanted, so we ignored him. Yet he kept making irritating sound. So we have to ask “yes” or “No” type of questions to guess what he wants. Finally we strike the jackpot. He wanted to go living hall instead of sleeping in sarong. A simple request yet we adult dun understand because…….he spoke Hokkien + English. Wah Piang, how we knew he could speak Hokkien.

In fact Kaikai has shown signed that he could speak Hokkien somewhere in September 07. 婆婆,公公 spoke to little Kaikai in Mandarin, mommy and Kaka communicated in English, Papa a mix of both languages. We did not speak to Little Kaikai in Hokkien. Only when we decided not to let him know certain issues, we would communicate in Hokkien. So this little boy has picked up Hokkien subconsciously daily. 伤脑筋 what language should we used now???

I have also observed something cute Kaikai did when we cross the road. Must write this down. Sunday (30 sep 07) we went IMM, while crossing road, he put up his palm like a stop (wait) sign to the driver who stopped his car to let us cross. He did this again today. Nobody taught him yet and he understood road safety. That’s great.

As for little Xuanxuan, I have introduced fruit to her since Saturday, 29 Sep 07. I started with Puree pear. Today her dessert is apple. I thought this would make her poo poo softer, who knows my maid told me her poo poo was hard. Would try to introduce more serving for fruits and water to her.

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